Then, the storm came, dumping between 22 and 30-something inches (depending on which part of the region you were in).
So, logically, we were out Monday.
Then Tuesday.
Now Wednesday.
And wouldn't you guess it. More snow. They're calling for somewhere between 8 and 16 inches in my neck of the woods, more as you head east (where my school is).
So now, my hopes of teaching (read: getting out of the house for something purposeful) is dwindling for this week.
Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the snow and snow days as if I were a kid. In fact, I think that being an adult with a snow day is way cooler. But I worry that now, with all of these days, I will struggle to get through all of the curriculum that I must teach my little wonders before the (duh duh dum) BIG TEST.
So, I'm at home. Coming up with creative, yet totally speedy ways to make up for days lost. The county has so graciously taken away a holiday and at least 2 of our intersession days to make up for days lost. I remember in high school they added on 30 minutes to each school day remaining to make up for the lost hours that year.
If I have 30 more afternoon minutes I will throw a tantrum. Another perk of being an adult on a snow-cation. I can throw my tantrums in my own home. Tell me now, Mr. Superintendent. Break it to me gently.